Talk presented at the National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) on the who and how of LGBTQIA+ socialization in families. Results showed chosen family more commonly than origin family shared positive messages and influence on LGBTQIA+ people when they were growing up. We found initial evidence of how positive socialization occurs and suggestions for how to support this process.
Talk presented at the National LGBTQ+ Health Conference on sexual racism and cannabis use disorder mediated by anxiety. Results showed mediating pathway through anxiety diminished to no affect by age 24.5, suggesting a developmentally specific mediation.
Poster presented at the National LGBTQ+ Health Conference on validation of the Queer Adolescent Coping Inventory (QACI). Demonstrates protective potential of access to and use of LGBTQ+ adolescent coping resources for mental health symptoms.
Invited lecture to Boston School of Public Health (2024). Overview of multilevel resources and influences on LGBTQ+ adolescent mental health and development, including LGBTQ+ socialization, affirmative intervention, and impact of policy.
Presented at the National LGBTQ Health Conference (2021). Evidence of subgroups with four different patterns of substance use in the Healthy Young Men's Cohort Study. Associations of subgroups with physical health outcomes and sociostructural burdens.
Dissertation defended June 2020. Leveraging Latent Class Modeling at the Intersection of Racism and Homonegavitism: Subgroups of Black and Latino Sexual Minority Young Men and Links with Substance Use.
Presented at the Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting (2019). Evidence of subgroups with four different patterns of substance use in the Healthy Young Men's Cohort Study.
Presented at the National LGBTQ Health Conference (2019). Demonstrating differences in associations between racism, heterosexism, and general life stressors across different substances, for Black and Latinx sexual minority men.
Presented at the Public Health Australia Conference: Smashing the Silos. Evidence showing racial/ethnic disparities in distribution of HIV prevention resources (PrEP availability) in the US (Los Angeles, New York City) and Australia (Sydney, Melbourne). *Presentation with higher quality figures available upon request.